Lietuvos BMW Klubas

[E39] Kuro padavimo sistema
Puslapis 11

Autorius:  justezas [ 27 Spa 2008, 11:45 ]
Pranešimo tema:  [E39] Kuro padavimo sistema

niekur neradau kur randasi benzino filtras.dekui uz pasisakimus.temu taipogi siuo klausimu neradau

Autorius:  runcikas [ 27 Spa 2008, 11:58 ]
Pranešimo tema:  Re: [E39] kuro padavimo sistema

justezas rašė:
niekur neradau kur randasi benzino filtras.dekui uz pasisakimus.temu taipogi siuo klausimu neradau

filtras turetu buti po dugnu, ties vairuotojo sedima vieta. Is apacios reiktu nuimti apdaila, ir po juo rasi filtra.

The fuel filter is under the vehicle on the left side. You have to remove a plastic cover in order to actually see it. It is easy to replace. Pinch off the rubber fuel lines in front and in back of the fuel filter, then just un-clamp the hoses from the filter. Make not of which way the arrow on the filter is pointing so you can put the new fuel filter on the same way.

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