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Autorius Žinutė
StandartinėParašytas: 01 Kov 2007, 23:15 
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atradau labai idomu straipsni:

Esme: DOT 5 kad ir turi aukstesne virimo temperatura, straipsnio autorius nepataria jo naudoti. Nes jis pagamintas silikono pagrindu ir neobsorbuoja dregmes. Ir pradetas naudoti senesneje stabdziu sistemoje chemniu reakciju metu gali uzkirsti cilindriuka.

"If silicone is introduced into an older brake system, the silicone will latch unto the sludge generated by gradual component deterioration and create a gelatin like goop which will attract more crud and eventually plug up metering orifices or cause pistons to stick."

Tas pats tik rusiskai:
"Если силикон является частью пожилые, тормозные системы, силикон будет защелку до осадка, образующегося в результате постепенного ухудшения компонент и создайте желатина бы goop которая привлечения более сырой и, возможно подключать до измерительной скважины поршней или вызвать на что-либо другое."

P.S. na cia tik vienas straipsnis, ka jus manote apie stabdziu skyscius?

Dar apie DOT5 (saltinis: ... 9sc_fluid/ )

Teigiamos savybes:
1) It has a high boiling point since it does not absorb water. Therefore, there's no so-called wet boiling point.

2) Doesn't absorb moisture.

3) Doesn't remove paint.

4) The viscosity is more stable over the extremes of temperature.

5) With the exception of some formulations used in external boots, silicone brake fluid is compatible with all standard brake components.

Neigiamos savybes:
1) It's hard to pour without entraining air bubbles--hence an application will generally have a softer, spongier pedal feel.

2) It doesn't absorb water, so any water already in the system accu-mulates in the lowest point of the system and stays there, causing rust.

3) Glycol fluids begin to compress near their boiling points, whereas silicone fluids begin to compress at around 300-350 degrees Fahrenheit.

4) Additives in the fluid can vaporize at comparatively moderate temperature, increasing the spongy feel.

5) Silicone fluids expand significantly when hot.

6) Silicone fluid is functionally incompatible with systems that have held glycol-based fluids for any length of time, requiring flushing and seal replacement (there are counter opinions on this, which state that the modern silicone formulations are in fact compatible with only a flushing, rather than a complete reseal). The actual DOT specification requires chemical compatibility, so as far as that goes, the two fluids won't cause reactions if used in the same system, but they certainly won't mix, either.

7) It's pretty much incompatible with anti-lock brakes (ABS) because the silicone fluids tend to be more viscous, which can cause problems with the timing of the pulses that are intended to work with the thinner glycol-base fluid. This sometimes leads to damage of the ABS valving. The rapid pulsing necessary to anti-lock functions tend to cavitate the fluid, as the tiny bubbles collapse and coalesce into larger ones, and then collapse and reform into smaller ones. This tends to counteract the ABS effect and can diminish the actual effective braking. This condition also heats the fluid and can lead to even more sponginess and possible damage to the ABS controller. Thirdly, silicone brake fluid tends to foam when expressed from a small orifice under pressure, reducing its hydraulic effectiveness greatly.

Susidariau tokia nuomone - DOT5 tik sportui;

StandartinėParašytas: 03 Kov 2007, 21:18 
teoriskai tai nelabai gerai maisyti,cia taspats kaip tasola su antifrizu maisyti,patirtis :? tik aisku tai bandziau golf

StandartinėParašytas: 05 Kov 2007, 23:20 
Vartotojo avataras
E36 316i M43 '98 Touring
E34 525i M50 '93
Negalima maisytit DOT 4 ir DOT 5. Taigi paties nukopintame tekste aiskiai parasyta:
the two fluids won't cause reactions if used in the same system, but they certainly won't mix, either.

Ryžtingas žingsnis į priekį — gero spyrio į užpakalį rezultatas.

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