Lietuvos BMW Klubas

BMW X-raid komanda atrodo nesitrauks dar niekur kuri laika
Puslapis 11

Autorius:  didzhej [ 05 Rgs 2009, 01:20 ]
Pranešimo tema:  BMW X-raid komanda atrodo nesitrauks dar niekur kuri laika

Kaip skelbia gandas spaudoje, o ir saitas oficialus patikina, pasirasyta sutartis su dedule S.Peterhansel!

The German based X-raid Team will field five cars in the 2009 Baja Spain Aragon, round three of the FIA International Cup for Cross-Country Bajas, which takes place in the Aragón region of north-eastern Spain on July 24th-26th. The team recently clinched the FIA World Cup for Cross-Country Rallies for the third time. Newly-crowned champions, Guerlain Chicherit and Tina Thörner, will be joined in the line-up of BMW X3 CCs by the team’s latest signings, Stéphane Peterhansel and Joan ‘Nani’ Roma, and a two-car Yser Racing Team entry from Portugal. ... hansel.htm


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