Lietuvos BMW Klubas

[E39] kapotas + generatoriaus dirzas
Puslapis 11

Autorius:  monolake [ 22 Spa 2012, 15:20 ]
Pranešimo tema:  [E39] kapotas + generatoriaus dirzas

Automobilio, apie kuri norite paklaust [E39]525tds
Pagaminimo metai:1999

sveiki, uzklupo kelios bedos beveik tuo paciu metu. pirma tai nutruko kapoto atidarymo trosas, pavyko atidaryt patempus uz to kas buvo like, pasikeiciau, bet pamirsau uzdaryti ta dezute kuri jungia salono ir variklio skyriaus trosus... bandziau ieskot informacijos, tai buvo keli komentarai kad galima tokiu atveju vis tiek lengvai ji atsidaryt - ar tai tiesa ? e36coupe sake, kad reikia tampaliot uz vidinio troso issemus grotele ir turetu atsidaryt, bet kad ir kiek stipriai ar kiek daug bandziau nieko neisejo. ar yra kazkokiu nesiurksciu variantu ?

sekancia diena nutruko generatoriaus dirzelis, tai masina tapo isvis sunkiai eksplotuojama, ar imanoma ji pakeisti neatidarius kapoto, ta prasme is apacios ?

Autorius:  DmK [ 22 Spa 2012, 15:24 ]
Pranešimo tema:  Re: [E39] kapotas + generatoriaus dirzas

jei paviks, fotoataskaita padaryk, bus linksma.

Autorius:  Einoras R. [ 22 Spa 2012, 15:32 ]
Pranešimo tema:  Re: [E39] kapotas + generatoriaus dirzas

Čia į pagalbą, kad nereikėtų gyvatės vaidinti dirželį bandant keisti:

pop out the right/drivers side kidney grill. the bowden cable runs along the top of the space in there (along the top of aux fan). find it and give it a little tug and the left side of hood should release. Then you need to feel with left hand and thumb to the right and up (picture just to the left of the slot/hole that hood goes into to latch hood on right/drivers side). feel around with your thumb (maybe use small mirror and flash light to see) to find the small junction box where the left release cable and the right release cable come together and push on it with your thumb to release the right side of hood. The plastic safety lever should then pop out at left kidney and you can then open hood.
You really have to just feel around until you've got it. My cable snapped at lever in car and while trying to jimmy hood open from grills, I figured this out.... however, I also ended up popping the right side hood release cable out of the junction box so replaceing the cable that goes into the car is pointless. I will someday need to have the entire bowden cable from hood latches to trunk release lever replaced..... cheap parts, expensive labor (radiator has to come out, sheet metal bent out of way, etc.).
For now, this is how I pop my hood and it works just fine.

Autorius:  Xolen [ 22 Spa 2012, 21:54 ]
Pranešimo tema:  Re: [E39] kapotas + generatoriaus dirzas

Na grotu neisimsi is lauko ju nesulauzius, jai nieko nelauzant prieit prie trosu reik buferi priekini nusimt.
Sitas tai pralinksmino: ar imanoma ji pakeisti neatidarius kapoto, ta prasme is apacios ? :D
Atsakymas: taip galima. Tik jau kaip dmk prase butu linksma fotoirasus paziuret darbu eigos :D :D

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